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Our treatments

We offer a range of semi-permanent makeup treatments, aiming to give your face a natural-looking effect. If you aren’t sure which treatment is best for you, keep reading to find out everything you need to know or book a free consultation to discuss.

Brows like no other


Initial Consultation

During your initial consultation, we will explain the procedure and discuss your desired results. We will perform a patch test and discuss your medical history to see whether you are a suitable candidate for your chosen treatment.


This appointment takes 10-15 minutes.



- Free -



Microblading is a semi-permanent tattoo technique used to create the illusion of fuller brows. Pigment is implanted directly under the skin using a super-fine micro blade to create a natural 3D looking hair strokes. Fine strokes are done by hand to create the illusion of real hairs.


The technique results in a semi-permanent effect that lasts between 12-18 months on average. Hairs produced with Microblading offer a crisp look that won’t smudge under the skin.


​Treatment time: 2.5 hours



-£270 -



Microshading technique is done using an electric device tool that inserts pigment into a deeper later of the skin and results in a powder-brow look, rather than hair-like strokes.


It creates a soft, sandy, powdered effect that resembles eyebrow powder. The result gives brows a softer, fuller finish.


​Treatment time: 2.5 hours



- £270 -

Male client

Men's Microblading

Great brows are important to everyone! So if you’re a guy who’s been looking for a way to boost your appearance, you might want to consider having some brow work done. 


Microblading will give you natural-looking brows which will improve your look and give you a great-looking set of brows!


​Treatment time: 2.5-3 hours



- £280 -

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Blade and Shade
(Signature Brows by Jess)

For a bolder, more striking look, consider  'Blade and Shade'. Shading adds density and a more defined look.


Suitable for clients with little to no natural eyebrow hair; those who have darker skin tones and need more definition; those with dark, coarse hairs in their brow area and those who prefer an ombre or bolder look.


​Treatment time: 2.5-3 hours


- £280 -


Perfecting Session
(​Touch up)


We recommend a perfecting session between 4-8 weeks. At this stage any gaps or areas that did not take the pigment well enough can be filled in. 


​Treatment time: 1-1.5 hours



- £50 -


Henna Brows
(Bespoke Brow Mapping, Exfoliation, Henna, Wax & Finish)

Our unique Henna treatment that is bespoke to you, your style, personality and your brows.

A great alternative to Microblading or Ombre Brows if you don’t want to commit to Permanent Make Up or you want to try out the shape before you commit as its longer lasting that regular tint.


Henna eyebrow tint uses natural dye from the henna plant to stain the skin under the brow hairs to create an illusion of depth and fullness, visually filling any sparseness.


​Treatment time: 1 hours


- £45 -


Henna Brows
(No Wax)

We select the brow henna to match your desired colour, then precision henna your brows allowing for even the tiny vellus hairs and skin around the brow to be tinted helping us achieve a fuller defined brow.


Treatment time: 30 minutes


- £25 -


Eyebrows Wax and Shape
(Brow Mapping, Exfoliation, Wax & Finish)

Brow shaping involves waxing and tweezing along your brow's natural lines to ensure a perfect contour. It opens up your face, brightens your eyes, and highlights your bone structure.


Prior to waxing, your brows will be clean and exfoliate to remove dead skin & build up on Brow area. The treatment will be finished off with a soothing brow balm.


Treatment time: 30 minutes


- £20 -


Annual Session

Annual touch-up at your convenience, anytime between 9-15 months after initial touch up.


Yearly touch up is recommended for colour and shape refresh. Appointment takes approximately 1.5-2 hours depending on how faded your brows are.


- £180 -​


Faux Freckles

Freckle tattooing is a semi-permanent procedure to mimic the look of natural freckles.


We tend to suggest placing faux freckles mainly on the nose and upper cheeks, as that’s where the sun tends to hit the face the most. This allows the freckles to look as natural as possible.


Level 1 (£130) : Only on the nose 

Level 2 (£180) : Nose & cheeks, couple around forehead & chin to create natural effects.

Level 3 (£220 ): full face freckles (this might take up to 2-3 sessions if you have no natural freckles)

**Touch up is not included


​Treatment time: 30 minutes - 3 hours


£130 - £200


Non-Laser Brow Saline Tattoo Removal

While laser removal can be very effective for large tattoos on the body, it's not always ideal for removing colour, especially light colours and pink and red colours.


Saline tattoo removal can be used on any colour and generally turns the pigments a lighter version of itself until it is completely removed. 


There are no guarantees how many saline tattoo removal sessions will be needed to get the results you desire. We always advise that you emotionally and financially budget for at least 3 sessions for best results. 


Treatment time: 1.5 hours


- £120 -



Course of 3 sessions


- £300 -

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